OEM Customization for User-friendly and Multi-functions embedded X-ray Electronic System

GBT KOREA is committed to providing strong customer support, always putting the customer’s needs and perspective first. Our ultimate goal is to become a trusted partner to our customers. The OEM process starts with in-depth discussions for the X-ray market, leading to meticulous product planning and development. We provide thorough technical reviews to provide cost-effective and stable-output products to customers.

Our expertise lies in developing X-ray Electronic systems with over two decades of experience in the X-ray industry. Once the development is completed, we support technical documents to register customer’s products for domestic & international certifications. Finally, we ensure continuous and reliable product supply to our customers.

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STEP 1 Market Research

To achieve customer’s goal, we review X-ray market with more than 20 years of experience. Some of customer’s requirements can be modified to better solutions after discussion with GBT KOREA. We also check with our market professionals to check success of the business in the market.

STEP 2 Electronic System Programming

GBT KOREA develops new programs for customer’s products according to their requirements.
GBT KOREA supports OEM customization such as Digital Interface, device/sensor control, various operations designs(Analog, Digital, Touch LCD) and all parameters can be customized. We also suggest a protection system and various electronic features based on our 20 years of X-ray machine programming experience.

STEP 3 Certification Support

Once Product development is finished, the X-ray product has to go through testing labs. We support based on International regulations or local regulations for customers. If there are any issues in the testing lab, we support solutions to pass the test. When our customer goes through the certification process, they need technical documents support to register X-ray machine. We support the certification process.

STEP 4 Mass-Production supply

After product registration or certification acquisition, GBT KOREA support for manufacturing and mass-production for customers. Our goal is to supply products regularly to customers with cost-effective price and stable-output. Quality team always checks with strict technical standards before shipment.

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㈜지비티코리아는 2002년 설립되어 X-ray Generator, Monoblock 및 Electronic system 연구개발 및 제조 분야에서 국내 최고의 수준의 기업으로 자리매김하고 있습니다.
㈜지비티코리아는 연구개발에서부터 인증 취득을 위한 기술문서 대응 및 제품 생산까지 모든 단계에서 최고의 솔루션을 제공합니다. 20년의 경험을 바탕으로 끊임없는 혁신에 도전하며, 고객의 비즈니스 성장을 위한 핵심 파트너로서 함께 나아갈 것을 약속하겠습니다.

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