ABC(Auto Brightness Control) and Noise filter system embedded C-arm X-ray Electronic System
GBT KOREA’s C-arm X-ray Electronic system offers two significant advantages: ABC(Auto Brightness Control) and Noise filter system for high-quality X-ray images. ABC detects the brightness of an X-ray image on X-ray detector and it gives a signal to X-ray generator.
Then X-ray generator optimizes the kV and mA factors to form high-quality X-ray image. It allows the operator to use the C-arm machine more conveniently and operate surgery in better visual images. Noise filter system automatically reduces unnecessary external/internal noise to form better circuitry conditions and X-ray images. We have over 20+ years of experience in developing and programming C-arm machine.
GBT KOREA can support OEM customization for Electronic system and boards.
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Noise Filtering Development & Programming
- Precise electronic development for reducing electronic noise.
- Software Programming for improving high X-ray image quality
Operation Panel Programming
- Display programming for Analog key, Digital key, Touch LCD, etc.
- Remote controller & Bluetooth control Programming
ABC(Auto Brightness Control) function Development & Programming
- Interface development between Detector and X-ray machine
- Software Programming for precise ABC control
Continuous & Pulse Fluoroscopy function
- Multi-functions for operating Fluoroscopy procedures
- Software Programming for Fluoroscopy X-ray control
㈜지비티코리아는 2002년 설립되어 X-ray Generator, Monoblock 및 Electronic system 연구개발 및 제조 분야에서 국내 최고의 수준의 기업으로 자리매김하고 있습니다.
㈜지비티코리아는 연구개발에서부터 인증 취득을 위한 기술문서 대응 및 제품 생산까지 모든 단계에서 최고의 솔루션을 제공합니다. 20년의 경험을 바탕으로 끊임없는 혁신에 도전하며, 고객의 비즈니스 성장을 위한 핵심 파트너로서 함께 나아갈 것을 약속하겠습니다.