Interface to Detector and precise motor control embedded Panoramic Dental & CT X-ray Electronic System
GBT KOREA’s Panoramic Dental & CT X-ray Electronic system offers two significant advantages: Interface to X-ray detector and precise motor control development/programming. Interfacing is a crucial technology to obtain high-quality X-ray images. We support perfect interfacing with the customer’s X-ray detector so that both devices work simultaneously. The Electronic system has an accurate control system for the motor devices and embedded programming to operate the motor devices. It allows the X-ray machine to move very smoothly and safely. Exact movements affect dental X-ray images a lot.
GBT KOREA can support OEM customization for Electronic system and boards.
Electronic System for Panoramic Dental & CT X-ray machine

Interfacing between X-ray Generator & Detector
- Optimized Interfacing development for high-quality image
- Software Programming for combined operation
Operation Panel Programming
- Software programming for User-friendly operation
- Display programming for Analog key, Digital key, Touch LCD, etc.
Electric Motor Control Development & Programming
- Precise electronic development for electric motor control
- Software Programming for Electric Motor movements
X-ray Control Development & Programming
- Hardware development for X-ray Tube Voltage, Current, and Exposure time control
- Software Programming for X-ray control
㈜지비티코리아는 2002년 설립되어 X-ray Generator, Monoblock 및 Electronic system 연구개발 및 제조 분야에서 국내 최고의 수준의 기업으로 자리매김하고 있습니다.
㈜지비티코리아는 연구개발에서부터 인증 취득을 위한 기술문서 대응 및 제품 생산까지 모든 단계에서 최고의 솔루션을 제공합니다. 20년의 경험을 바탕으로 끊임없는 혁신에 도전하며, 고객의 비즈니스 성장을 위한 핵심 파트너로서 함께 나아갈 것을 약속하겠습니다.